Department of Economics
Recent Publications

Gür, T. H., & Türkay, M. (2018). Heterogenous Impact of Quantitative Easing on Bond Yields. Prague Economic Papers (Accepted for Publication).

Ebghaei, F., & Akkoyunlu-Wigley, A. (2017). The Role of Exports in the Transmission of Horizontal and Vertical Spillovers of Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industry. The Developing Economies (Accepted for Publication).

Wigley, S., & Akkoyunlu-Wigley, A. (2017). The Impact of Democracy and Media Freedom on Under-5 Mortality, 1961-2011. Social Science & Medicine, 190, 237-246.

Ara, S., & Tekeşin, C. (2017). The Monetary Valuation of Lifetime Health Improvement and Life Expectancy Gains in Turkey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(10), 1151.

Atılgan, E., Kılıç, D., & Ertuğrul, H. M. (2017). The Dynamic Relationship between Health Expenditure and Economic Growth: Is the Health-Led Growth Hypothesis Valid for Turkey?. The European Journal of Health Economics, 18(5), 567-574.

Gentina, E., Kılıç, D., & Dancoine, P. F. (2017). Distinctive Role of Opinion Leaders in the Social Networks of School Adolescents: An Investigation of E-Cigarette Use. Public Health, 144, 109-116.

Lichtenberg, F. R., Tatar, M., & Çalışkan, Z. (2017). The impact of pharmaceutical innovation on health outcomes and utilization in Turkey: A re-examination. Health Policy and Technology, 6(2), 226-233.

Fazlıoğlu, B., Dalgıç, B., & Yereli, A.B. (2017). The Effect of Innovation on Productivity: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Firms. Industry and Innovation Journal (forthcoming).

Tansel, A., Dalgıç, B., & Güven, A. (2017). Wage Inequality and Wage Mobility in Turkey. Social Indicators Research Journal (forthcoming).

Güler Aydın, D., & Özer İmer, I. (2017). At the Crossroads of History and Theory: Weber, Schumpeter and Economic Sociology. Panoeconomicus, 2017 OnLine-First(00), 6-6.

Güler Aydın, D., & Araz Takay, B. (2017). Janus’un İki Yüzü: Yabancılaşma ve Gösteriş Tüketimi. Hacettepe niversitesi İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, 35(1), 1-18.

Gür, T. H., & Ikikii, S. (2017). The Monetary Reaction Function for Kenya. The Journal of Developing Areas, 51(4), 49-67.

Caglayan, M., Kandemir Kocaaslan, O. & Mouratidis, K. (2017). Financial Depth and the Asymmetric Impact of Monetary Policy. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

Kurul Z. (2017). Nonlinear Relationship between Institutional Factors and FDI Flows: Dynamic Panel Threshold Analysis. International Review of Economics and Finance, 48, 148-160.

Kurul, Z., & Yalta, A. Y. (2017). Relationship between Institutional Factors and FDI Flows in Developing Countries: New Evidence from Dynamic Panel Estimation. Economies, 5(2), 1-10.

Yalta, A. Yasemin, & A. Talha YALTA (2017). Dependency on Imported Oil and Its Effects on Current Account Balance: The Case of Turkey. Energy Sources, Part B:Economics, Planning and Policy, 12(10), 859-867.

Mıhçı, S., Akkoyunlu-Wigley, A., & Dalgıç, B. (2016). Dynamic Analysis Of Employment And Domestic Value Added Generated By Foreign Demand In Turkey. METU Studies in Development, In Honor of Fikret Şenses, 40(1), 289-315.

Ara, S., & Tekeşin, C. (2016). The Monetary Valuation of Acute Respiratory Illness from Air Pollution in Turkey. Atomospheric Pollution Reserch, 7(1), 82-91.

Araç. A., & Ceylan, R. (2016). Beşeri sermayenin büyüme sürecindeki rolü: Türkiye Örneği. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2 (Spring), 9-33.

Atılgan, E., Kılıç, D. & Ertuğrul, H. M. (2016) The Dynamic Relationship between Health Expenditure and Economic Growth: Is the Health-Led Growth Hypothesis Valid for Turkey?. The European Journal of Health Economics, 18, 567-574.

Öztürk, S., & Kılıç, D. (2016). Do Firms Benefit From Agglomeration? A Productivity Analysis for Turkish Manufacturing Industry. Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 27(98), 131–156.

Çalışkan, Z. (2016). Kamu Hastane Birlikleri Performansının Pabón Lasso Modeli ile Analizi. Sosyal Güvence Dergisi, 10, 1-24.

Fotourehchi, Z. & Çalışkan, Z. (2016). Is It Possible to Describe a Kuznets Curve for Health Outcomes? An Empirical Investigation. Panoeconomicus.

Kaya, A. İ. & Çalışkan, Z. (2016). Ekonomik Özgürlüklerin Sağlık Ve Eğitime Etkisi: Panel Veri Analizi. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1), 81-102.

Tatar, M., Arsava, E. M., Topçuoğlu, M. A., Çalışkan, Z., Karabulut, E., Tuna, E., & Şentürk, A. (2016) Indirect Costs Of Epilepsy In Turkey: Cost Of The Disease In Terms Of Work Loss. Value in Health (Abstract), 19(7), A430-A431.

Macabeo, B., Akın, L., Çalışkan, Z., Altınel, S., & Satman, I. (2016). Cost-Effectiveness of Increasing the Influenza Vaccination Rate in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes in Turkey. PLoS ONE 11(6), e0157657.

Köselerli, R., Çalışkan, Z., Kuzucu, G., Gürsoy, K., Ergün, H., Kaya, Y., Türkoğlu, S., Dereli, U., Köksal, T., Değer, C., Dokuyucu, D., & Saylan, M. (2016). Perception Survey on Health Technology Assessment in Turkey: Does Practice Meet with Regulations. Value in Health (Abstract), 19(7), A493.

Balıkçıoğlu, E., Dalgıç, B., & Fazlıoğlu, B. (2016). Does Foreign Capital Increase Tax Revenue: The Turkish Case. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(2), 1-6.

Balıkçıoğlu, E., Dalgıç, B., & Fazlıoğlu, B. (2016). Türkiye’de Orta Gelirden Düşük Gelir ve Yüksek Gelire Geçişin Belirleyicileri. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(2), 341-355.

Güven, A., Dalgıç, B., & Tansel, A. (2016). Gelir Hareketliliği Eşitsizlikleri Azaltabilir mi? Türkiye Örneği. METU Studies in Development, 43(2), 549.

Varol-İyidoğan, P., Dalgıç, B., & Pehlivan, H. (2016). Is There a Nonlinear Relationship Between Trade and Growth? An Exploration of Central and Eastern European Countries. Acta Oeconomica, 67(1), 117-136.

Çağlayan, M., Kandemir Kocaaslan, Ö., & Mouratidis, K. (2016). Regime Dependent Effects of Inflation Uncertainty on Real Growth: A Markov Switching Approach. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 63(2), 135-155.

Kandemir Kocaaslan, O. (2016). Regime Nonstationarity and Nonlinearity in the Turkish Output Level. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 6(2), 503-507.

Rashid, A., & Kandemir Kocaaslan, O. (2016). Variations in Energy Use and Output Growth Dynamics: An Assessment for Intertemporal and Contemporaneous Relationship. Energy, 102, 388-396.

Kaymak, M., & Teoman, Ö. (2016). The Origins of the Peculiarity of Agrarian Structures in Southeastern Anatolia: An Assessment on Ottoman Heritage. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, 34(2), 1-23.

Yalta, Y., & Sağlam, B. (2016). Interaction Between Capital Flows and Current Account: A Dynamic Panel Causality Analysis of 19 Emerging Market Economies for the Period 1980 to 2009. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 11(2), 71-82.

Teoman, Ö., & Yaşar, P. (2016). Türkiye’de 2003 Sonrası Buğday ve Gübre Fiyatları İlişkisinin Piyasa Yapıları Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, 18(1), 55-72.

Yalta, Y., & Yalta, T. (2016). The Dynamics of Fuel Demand and Illegal Fuel Activity in Turkey. Energy Economics, 54, 144-158.