Department of Economics
Department of Economics

Hacettepe University Department of Economics is one of the leading economics departments in Türkiye. The department offers qualified education to students who aim to gain in-depth knowledge in economic theories and applications. Founded in 1967, the department is located on the Beytepe Campus of Hacettepe University. The University is a research university that has received Institutional Accreditation by the Higher Education Quality Board, which indicates the quality and standards of the education it offers.

Educational program

Hacettepe University Department of Economics provides education at undergraduate and graduate levels. The undergraduate program aims to teach students the basic concepts, theories and applications of economics. In the program, both theoretical courses such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, statistics, econometrics, mathematical economics, which shape the foundations of economic science, and practical courses such as applied microeconomic models, machine learning for economists, and computable general equilibrium models, which combine theory with empirical research, are common. As an intersection of theoretical and empirical knowledge, economic policy courses such as fiscal policy and monetary policy are also included in the program. In addition, courses that make contact with other disciplines of social sciences are also included in the program. For example, courses such as "Economics as a Human Science", "Economic History", "Economy and Literature", "Gender and Economics", "Methodology of Economics" offer students a broad perspective. "Economics of Migration" and "Sustainability Economics" courses, which shed light on the current social life in Türkiye and the world from an economic perspective, are also included in the program.

Students have the opportunity to do a minor in the departments within the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and other faculties and departments that accept economics students, while they have the opportunity to do a double major in the Information and Document Management department.

Academic staff

The academic staff in the department consists of nationally and internationally renowned faculty members who are experts in their fields. The large number of professors ensures that students receive a qualified education. Faculty members, who have doctoral or postdoctoral research experience abroad, are actively involved in national and international projects and studies, and stand out with international publications. This gives students a global perspective and offers strong academic support.


Research and Publications


Hacettepe University Department of Economics attaches great importance to research activities. In the department, research is carried out on various issues related to the Turkish economy and the world economy. Academics publish articles in international journals, present papers at conferences and take an active role in national and international research projects.

Exchange Programs

Hacettepe University Department of Economics attaches great importance to international collaborations. Through Erasmus and other student exchange programs, students have the opportunity to study abroad and get to know different cultures. Countries such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal and Poland are among the countries with which the department has agreements within the scope of the Erasmus program. Every year, between 10-15 students benefit from the Erasmus opportunity. Thanks to these exchange programs, students gain a global perspective and become competitive at the international level.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of Hacettepe University Department of Economics have a wide range of careers. While graduates get jobs in the public sector, especially in the Competition Authority, Capital Markets Board, Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Central Bank; in the private sector, they have the opportunity to work in national and international tax audit firms and in a wide range of banking and finance sectors. In addition, students who want to pursue an academic career can take part in the academic world by continuing their master's and doctoral programs at home and abroad.

Student Activities

Hacettepe University Department of Economics offers students the opportunity to participate in social and cultural activities as well as academic activities. Student clubs in the department, especially the Hacettepe Economy Community, help students develop their social skills by organizing various events, seminars and trips. Additionally, students gain practical experience by taking part in various projects in the department. Students experience first contacts with the private and public sectors through activities within communities.